Best-selling author and consultant Seth Godin, in his popular blog, asks "Which Problem are we Solving? He states "Over time, successful businesses figure out how to align their goals with the customers they serve."
Start-up guru Rand Fishkin agrees that the first step in a successful campaign is to “Determine the problem you solve and how you fit versus the alternatives.”
Jay Baer, author of NYT bestseller “Youtility,” says “Customers who have a problem you can successfully solve are your best customers.”
I’d like to share with you a problem that I have observed at close range and far afield, whether I am talking with local business leaders or representatives of global corporations.
We are all – every one of us – seeking a sense of connection. Many of us have lost an important source of comforting camaraderie as businesses have switched from on-site to virtual commerce. Our kids lost the day-to-day closeness with their friends and teachers that they relied upon to make learning fun. Even before the total shake-up of the pandemic, our culture had drastically shifted away from the close family and community bonds that sustained and united our parents and grandparents only a few decades ago.
Instead of uniting us, our digital interactions have often alienated and divided us; especially our kids and young adults.
We have an issue. Or better, we have an opportunity.
We need to feel connected. Bonnie Badenoch, Ph.D., explains, “In my decades as a therapist, the deepest and most consistent pain for the people I am privileged to see comes from disconnection. …neurobiology teaches us that, from birth into old age, our most basic, hard-wired quest is for attuned relationships.”
This is a problem we can solve together.
Relationships are my area of marketing expertise. I see one overriding reason to invest in giving a gift this year. By way of a bit of background, it’s almost a cliché that most employees either flat-out loathe office holiday parties, or at the very best they tolerate them as part of their job and breathe a relieved sigh when they are over. These are the two responses I’m most likely to hear when the topic arises. But even if yours is a company that throws epic parties that your employees look forward to all year, it’s still not feasible this year, with health issues dampening the enthusiasm of even the most extroverted partygoers.
This year, we can focus on forming a meaningful connection with our employees and customers by giving a gift instead of a party, which will make it clear that we see them, care about them, and stand ready to serve them. With the right holiday gift, we send a clear message that they are valued members of a community they can count on. We can form a lasting connection with the right gift, especially since many of us can’t gather at a holiday event.
I can collaborate with you to craft a gift that will optimize the three main elements of a strategic gift:
I have consistently taught that a gift, if done well, is a “memory hook.” I have been in the gifting business for decades, designing effective messaging for clients in a broad range of businesses, from the smallest start-ups to multinational corporations. I’m excited to talk with you about your goals for expressing to your customers and employees that they are valued. During the coming holiday season, in a world that is hungry for community, we have an incredible opportunity to make a connection that will inspire lasting goodwill.
Today is a great day to solve this year’s holiday party. Let’s create a holiday plan that connects your employees and customers to you, your brand, and the message of treasured partnership you want to convey to the people who matter most to your business. Contact me at 425.822.6651 or
To your success,
P.S. Do you have a friend who will appreciate knowing about our promotional products, marketing strategy, and writing services? Kindly let me know how to connect with them.
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